Over production that had started in the mid 80's continue and increased as a huge influx of collectors pushed cards sales to new highs that had never been seen before(and will never be seen again), and the card companies were not inclined to withhold cards that would mean ever larger revenue numbers. To satiate this hunger for cardboard riches, card companies came up with a plan.
Marketing comes to the card collecting world. The card companies found themselves in a place that they had never know before, and I believe that they turned their collective backs on collectors. New retailers that had never sold trading cards before were giving cards prime shelf space and production was kept high to satisfy this demand. This demand was coming form a new source of buyers, trading card collecting was now in the hands of commodity traders.
The card companies, probably, had no idea of what the consequences of catering to these commodity traders would have on the industry. The card companies only saw the need/opportunity to give these new buyers what they wanted. So 1991 saw the card companies embracing their new reality of sales, sales and more sales. Upper Deck had proven that quality would sale, so new product lines, new gimmicks could only mean more new sales.
In 1991 the card companies unveiled the future path of card collecting:
- New product Topps Archives Baseball
- New product Stadium Club Baseball
- New product Ultra Baseball
- New product Studio Baseball
- Baseball had over 13000 cards in main and popular oddball sets
- Baseball had over 70 sets of main, inserts and parallels

I do not think that the card companies deliberately set about to hurt nor abandon collectors for the connection was far to deep and traditional. The loss of card shops and retail locations that stocked cards was a fact of the crash not the wishes to the card companies. When collectors that were not strong enough to seek other avenues(myself included) of obtaining cards stopped collecting also and their collections were also added to the over abundant supply, the crash was complete.

I see 1991 as the year that the card companies initiated their marketing plans that eventually led to their part in the bringing down of The House of Trading Cards. The collectors and traders part in the crash would come later, but the path was chosen and there is no turning back.
So now I am again collecting, but this time I am in no hurry and it is the joy of collecting that now compels me to collect.
Some Links That Could Be Useful
SportLots Sports Card Auction Site
The Card Collector High end Software for cataloging cards
Sports Card Collector Software better for budget with fewer features
Update Stats:
9720 cards cataloged.
638 sets represented.
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